The Midwest Immigration Bond Fund hopes to share stories of how the immigration court and ICE system affects individuals and families from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Kentucky.
El Fondo de Fianzas de Inmigración del Medio Oeste espera compartir historias de cómo la corte de inmigración y el sistema ICE afectan a las personas y familias de Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin y Kentucky.
THREE more people FREED from ICE custody!
This week, we helped free THREE individuals from ICE custody! This makes NINE people freed from ICE custody so far this year.
Mother’s Day 2024
Immigrant mothers deserve to be with their loved ones - this Mother's Day and every day. Join MIBF in honoring mothers by helping us pay bonds to free them from ICE custody.
MIBF Application Currently Open
If you or someone you know needs their immigration bond paid, please fill out the application at
Immigration, Abolition, & the Christian Faith: Elle Dowd & Alejandra Oliva
Join us for a thought-provoking online conversation with authors Pastor Elle Dowd, (she/they) ("Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist") and Alejandra Oliva (she/her)("Rivermouth")! We will engage in a conversation about the intersection of abolition, immigration, and the Christian faith. Click link for tickets!
200 Organizations Write to White House Opposing 2024 Spending Bill
Today, we joined 199 organizations in a letter to the White House to voice outrage at the 2024 spending bill that President Biden signed, which provides $3.4 billion for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to jail 41,500 immigrants per day.
One Person FREED From ICE This Week
This week, we helped free an individual from ICE custody! This is the SIXTH person this year we have been able to help.
Earth Day 2024
This Earth Day, we recognize how interconnected the fight for migrant justice is to environmental justice.
Revolving Fund In Action!
Excited to announce that we received a bond back for $6,000 + interest and we will immediately be able to use this to bond out another individual as soon as possible!
Biden’s Record on Immigration Detention
What is the state of the immigrant detention system under the Biden administration? Despite his campaign promises, over the last three years the number of immigrants in detention has tripled, the percentage of privately run detention centers has increased, and detention profiteers profits are through the roof.
Donate Today!
With your support, MIBF was able to free over 14 people at the end of 2023/Jan 2024. Unfortunately, our application has been closed for most of these last couple of months. Please consider donating today to help us reopen our application.
One Person FREED from Immigration Custody!
This week, we freed one individual from ICE custody!
Women In Immigration Detention
Women in immigration detention face unique challenges related to healthcare, gender-based and sexual violence, and transmisogyny. This International Women's Day, donate to help us get women out of immigration detention!
Inequities in the Immigration System
As Black History Month soon comes to an end, we are reminded of the hurdles Black immigrants endure in the US immigration system. We share below some of the disparities and biases within US immigration policies affecting Black immigrant communities.
Over 150 Organizations Write to President Biden to Oppose Extremist Border Policies and Call on President to Uphold Asylum
Over 150 Organizations Write to President Biden to Oppose Extremist Border Policies and Call on President to Uphold Asylum. Read the letter here.
ONE more person FREED from ICE custody
One more person FREED from ICE custody this week! Thank you for supporting our mission.
Immigrants Pay $2 Billion in ICE Bonds Since FY 2017
Between the start of FY 2017 (October 2016) and the end of December 2023, immigrants and their obligors have posted more than a quarter of a million bonds (258,438) and paid Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) just over $2 billion in bond money. Read more from TRAC in today’s post!
Support for a Hearing to Address Human Rights Violations Endemic to Immigration Detention in the U.S.
On December 3, 2023, Sarah Paoletti (Penn Carey Law, Transnational Legal Clinic), Denise Gilman (Texas Law Immigration Clinic), and Azadeh Shahshahani (Project South), submitted a letter to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requesting a hearing on immigration detention. Click above to read more and our support of this request.
Please Consider Donating Today!
With your support, MIBF has helped free 14 individuals from detention in December 2023 and January 2024! We recently had to close out application due to lack of funds, please consider donating to us at the link below so that we may be able to free more individuals in 2024.
THREE more people FREED from ICE detention
Thanks to additional support around the holidays/end of December, we were able to keep our bond application open through this week - this allowed our bond team to successfully FREE 3 people from detention in the last few days.
2023 In Review
Thank you for your support in 2023!