More than 100 Organizations Urge a Centralized Process for a Chance to Come Home


This week, MIBF joined over 100 NGOs supporting the ask for a Chance to Come Home for deported people
seeking to reunite with their loved one in the U.S. See letter below!

Additional reading:

Check out this congressional letter from 64 members of Congress asking Sec. Mayorkas to establish a
central process to review requests for return, led by Sen. Booker, Reps. Trone, Espaillat & Cleaver.
Also see this great article on growing congressional support  in The Hill which also spotlights two deported
advocates, Leonel Pinilla & Vanessa Vaquiz Mendoza.

Check out this NYT op-ed from last week spotlighting the Chance to Come Home campaign and the
efforts of people deported for marijuana who now seek return including Chance to Come Home
advocate Leonel Pinilla.


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Rivermouth by Alejandra Oliva